Saturday, October 31, 2009

Quote Unquote

A truth that's told with bad intent
Beats all the lies you can invent.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Crony capitalism

Crony capitalism is a pejorative term describing an allegedly capitalist economy in which success in business depends on close relationships between businesspeople and government officials. It may be in the form of favoritism in the distribution of legal permits, government grants, special tax breaks,etc.

There is a thin line between lobbying and 'nexus', and probably the latter is prevalent in crony capitalism. While lobbying is acceptable in a capitalist world, excess of it can lead to crony capitalism. Lobbying is a legally and socially recognised profession in the US but not so in India. Some of the world's biggest corporate scandals are possibly the result of crony capitalism and Enrons & Satyams of the world are proof of that.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

International real estate disputes

The story of Arunachal Pradesh:
As school children, we have always seen Arunachal Pradesh on the Indian map - clearly, without any ambiguity. Elections take place like all other Indian states and people of Arunachal Pradesh recognise themselves as part of India. As per the MacMahon line (drawn by the British in 1914), Tawang district of Arunachal Pradesh lies within India.

However, as you begin to understand international politics, you see that post-1962 Indo-China war, China has been raising claims over this district. The only official reason for Chinese claim is their control over the region for a short period after the 1962 war and the presence of a sizable Tibetan population.

Today, Chinese troops infiltrate quite often into the Indian territory and there has been a build-up of troops now and then. Why is the tension mounting? Latest news is the criticism by Arunachal Pradesh CM.

What masquerades as a border issue need not necessarily be one. There seems to be more than what meets the eye. Arunachal Pradesh is known to be a potential hydroelectric power resource. Is this a strategic control point?

The Aksai Chin region has been a disputed area even before the Indo-China war. The construction of Chinese National Highway in Aksai Chin area was one of the reasons for the war. Whereas it figures as part of J&K in Indian maps, its part of China in their maps.What is surprising is that China recognises PoK as part of Pakistan and not India.
The gas pipeline planned from Iran to China through Pakistan and India, has also been dragged into the larger dispute of border issues.

New Moore Islands are yet another dispute between India & Bangladesh. The underlying economic reason - alluvial delta at the mouth of mineral-rich river Haribhanga; marine resources; potential reserves of oil and gas as well.

China & Japan have been disputing the status of Okinotorishima islet. China contends that Okinotorishima is just a rock (which probably is submerged during high tide) and doesn't even qualify as an island, hence disputing Japan's exclusive economic zone of 400,000 sqkm in that region . In this case, it is a militarily strategic point.

Will add to this list as and when I find time.

Omphalos Syndrome

This is something interesting that I learnt in International Business.

In India and Europe, kids grow up with a world map that looks like this:

Kids in USA grow up with maps looking somewhat like this:

School children in China have this as their world map:

And the reason is 'Omphalos syndrome', misguided belief that one's polity is the center, or navel (omphalos), of the world. 'The-world-is-the-way-I-say-it-is' philosophy has often created a sense of artificial supremacy and blinded the citizens to potential dangers. The so-called powerful nations are the biggest victims of this syndrome.
To extend this a little further, the refusal to accept reality as-is is the real problem. And this is true at a micro level - in households, families and individuals. We always see what we want to see. This is where education should make a difference which literacy alone cannot.

The Hanuman syndrome

One of our profs has coined this term called 'Hanuman syndrome'.
In Ramayana, when Lord Hanuman was asked to bring sanjeevani plant from the Himalayas to cure Lakshmana, he couldn't find the right plant and instead brought the entire mountain with him so that the vaidya (physician) could pick the right one.
In academics, 'Hanuman syndrome' occurs when the expected answer is not given but the student writes all that he knows and expects the prof to figure out the answer.
As students, many of us suffer from Hanuman syndrome quite often and tests have shown that sleep-deprivation and ambiguity are the main causes. Although we have found the remedy for the first cause, the second one is very elusive.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Quote regarding 'change'

When an egg is broken from outside, a life ends.
But when the egg breaks from within, a life begins........ Great things always begin from within
.....  (Anonymous)

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Facilitation payments vs. Bribe

There is a thin line between facilitation payments and bribe. While the former is an accepted business expense in some countries, the latter is never considered as legal expenses.
Facilitation payments are payments made to speed-up the transaction or facilitate faster disposal of a matter without any material change in the treatment or decision. Such payments are not considered as bribery.
On the other hand, bribe has a much larger element of corruption and is meant to change the decision in favour of the person making the payment. This is certainly against ethics.
Of late, the distinction is getting increasingly blurred.
In India, thankfully both facilitation payments and bribe are payments contributing to corruption and not recognised as business expenses.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Bird and centipede

Bird and centipede were good friends.

Whereas bird could fly, centipede, inspite of having a 100 legs, could only crawl and was always in fear of being trampled.
Once, centipede asked bird for a suggestion - "I'm always in fear of being trampled. Please suggest a way for me to escape while in danger". Bird thought for some time and suggested that centipede must fly when he's in danger.
Centipede retorted - "but tell me how to fly?". Bird again thought for some time and suggested that he must grow wings.

Centipede was at wit's end and asked bird - "how do I grow wings" and bird said "that's for you to find out".

There are centipedes and birds in organisations. Question is - if you are centipede, can you grow wings?